Monday, October 1, 2007

More body work....

What can I say? I have been spending a lot of time getting the paint stripped off of the VW, it has been very time consuming and not very exciting to read, or write, about. Just so I know that I am not short chainging anyone, and if you are truly interested, this is how it has been going....

Spray/brush on chemical stripper, wait 20 minutes or until the paint is visably blistering, scrape, scrape, scrape, drink some water, scrape, scrape..... Repeat. This took up about 5 hours on Saturday.

Now that I have that little bit of detail out of the way, we can talk a little about what has happened in the background over the past week.

I have ordered a new front apron and a new spare wheel trough. They are both heavy duty and look great compared to what is on the car now. One thing that really irritated me... Do you see that major scratch and dent on the bottom righ of the front apron? This piece came to me with no packing material in a box that was twice the size it needed to be. I am going to have to ship it back, I don’t know what all this is going to entail just yet but I am really hoping that I am not going to have to pay for return shipping.
I also got a couple of finishing pieces but I am not going to talk about them until I get close to putting them in place, you are going to have to come back to find out what they are…
I have a number of sections that are starting to look really good compared to what it looked like before.

The rear driver’s quarter panel is just about done, there is a small rust through spot that I am going to fill in and a couple of rust blisters that still need to be taken care of.
The rear end is starting to look pretty decent. I noticed that the rear apron is not completely straight (there is a enough of a bow around the exhaust pipe for me to notice after staring at it long enough) I am going to have to replace it just like the one on the front. The rear windshield section is pretty decent looking but still needs a lot of attention on the details.

The passenger side rear quarter panel is coming around really nice but there is still plenty of work to be done. Take a look at all of that paint on the garage floor, what a mess! Also, I took a picture without a flash the first time around and a second with the flash. In the non-flash picture you can see the decent size dent right below the window line.
I think I am going to concentrate on getting the paint off of the doors but once all the paint is off, I am going to move to the front end. There are plenty of rust spots along the bottom of the door and around the windows that I need to figure out what I am going to do with. I am going to have to read some more before I know what to do and how to permenantly fix this problem.


Anonymous said...

How about those Yankees?

Anonymous said...

No updates? You should be finished by now and starting on your next project :-)

petesuglyvedub said...

Not done yet :)
It might take me a couple more days before I am finished.