Sunday, November 11, 2007

I almost went to India....

You are probably asking yourself what that has to do with restoring a VW? Well, nothing really... but, I had to work most of last weekend to get myself ready to go on short notice. All to find out that some of the vaccines needed to be in my system for 4-6 weeks before they were effective.

Here is what happened. My boss asked me Friday morning if I had a passport and if I would be willing to go to India if he could not get "the other guy" to go. "Yeah sure, I will go if there is no one else to go". Friday afternoon, "pack your bags, your leaving next week". So my weekend was spent getting the work visas, a letter of invitation and all of the little things I needed (Pepto, hand sanitizer, Altoids, etc...) to make this trip possible. So I as I go for the vaccines the following Monday I was told these things need to be in my system for 4-6 weeks before they are affective. Long story short, they need someone to go next week and I can not go for at least four more weeks. Lots of work, lots of preparation for a trip that did not happen. Thus, no work done to the VW.

Here is a little work that I have been doing to the deck lid light housing. It is in bad shape, like the rest of the car, but it is small and I should be able to get it pieced together little bit by little bit.

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